CARF Foundation

25 October, 21

"Thanks to the case of sacred vessels, I have been able to celebrate the Eucharist."

Hanzell and Pedro Antonio are two priests from Nicaragua who studied at the Bidasoa International Seminary (Navarra). It is a custom in CARF to give a case of sacred vessels to seminarians who finish their studies and return to their country of origin. Both thank the Patronato de Acción Social for this.

Hanzell Renato Hernández es un sacerdote de Nicaragua que terminó su formación inicial al sacerdocio en mayo de 2021 en el Seminario Internacional Bidasoa (Navarra). Es costumbre en CARF obsequiar con un estuche de vasos sagrados a los seminaristas que terminan y vuelven a su país de origen. Hanzell da las gracias por ello al Patronato de Acción Social.

“Mi nombre es Hanzell Renato Hernández Martínez, de la diócesis de Granada (Nicaragua). Terminé mi formación inicial al sacerdocio en el seminario Internacional Bidasoa (Navarra) en mayo de 2021.

Spiritual and material support

I thank the CARF Board of Trustees for their closeness and support, both spiritual and material. I would like to share with you that the set of sacred vessels that I received as a gift on May 28, 2021, has been of great help to me in the mission that I now have. I was ordained a priest on September 3, 2021. and appointed pastor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Boaco- viejo located in the center of Nicaragua.

Thanks to the sacred objects contained in the briefcase I have been able to celebrate the Eucharist in rural communities, I have visited the sick, I have given the sacrament of anointing, and I have been able to bless objects, houses, etc. The case is very practical and comfortable.

Happy faces 

The investment they make is not a loss, since the returns on this investment are seen in the happy faces of many people who come closer to God, thanks to the priests.

Grateful and committed to continue announcing the Gospel of Christ".

I thank the CARF Board of Trustees for their closeness and support, both spiritual and material. I would like to share with you that the set of sacred vessels that I received as a gift on May 28, 2021, has been of great help to me in the mission that I now have.

Hanzell Renato Hernández Martínez

Hanzell Renato Hernández Martínez is 28 years old and is from Cavanada (Nicaragua). He studied theology at the Bidasoa International Seminary in Pamplona and finished his studies in May 2021. Thanks to the sacred objects contained in the briefcase I have been able to celebrate the Eucharist in rural communities, I have visited the sick, I have given the sacrament of anointing, and I have been able to bless objects, houses, etc. The case is very practical and comfortable," he says.

Pedro Antonio Martínez Mena, is another priest of the Diocese of Granada (Nicaragua) and a former student of the Bidasoa International School. He also wrote another letter of thanks for the gift of the set of sacred vessels to the Board of Trustees of CARF Foundation.

Pedro Antonio Martínez Mena

"My experience during this summer in my native Nicaragua".

"Knowing that we are ordained to be burned as incense before the altar of the Lord, I want to share with you my experience during this summer in my native Nicaragua.

Soy Pedro Antonio Martínez Mena, Sacerdote de la Diócesis de Granada (Nicaragua) y ex alumno del Colegio Internacional Bidasoa. Antes que nada, quiero agradecer a Dios por la oportunidad de haber estudiado en la Universidad de Navarra, sobre todo de permitirme formar mi corazón sacerdotal en Bidasoa. The truth is that without the help of the trainers and so many good people from CARF, it would be impossible to carry out this great work.

A year ago I received as a gift, a briefcase with the necessary to celebrate the Holy Eucharist. On June 12 of this year, I was ordained a priest and the time had come to wear it.. After my ordination I remained as a collaborator at the Shrine of Our Lady of Candelaria, my home parish.

Visiting communities lacking ornaments 

On weekends, I had to visit many communities, most of them lacking ornaments and what is necessary for the celebration. In the midst of pandemic and hardship it is impressive to see how our people hunger and thirst for God. This led me to reflect that the priest is ordained to leave his heart and back for his people, being with them, praying with them and above all announcing to them the joy of the Gospel.

I can say that the briefcase that I received from CARF and the benefactors is very useful, since it has everything necessary for the Holy Eucharist, blessings and visits to the sick. How much good it does to accompany and be with others in the midst of storms! In this way we are allowed to have and celebrate the Holy Sacrifice, with worthy sacred objects, thus collaborating in the pastoral work that our Bishops entrust to us.

May no vocation be lost 

There will be many testimonies that, like mine, invite you above all to prayer and collaboration to continue bringing the Good News and the priestly heart of Christ to all corners of the world. Thank you very much, friends of CARF, for your yes, and for your generous dedication to the formation of priests. I conclude by recalling the words of the prophet Isaiah: "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings glad tidings, who proclaims peace, who brings good news".

May no vocation be lost!"

"In a case of sacred vessels it allows us to have and celebrate the Holy Sacrifice with worthy sacred objects, thus collaborating in the pastoral work that our Bishops entrust to us."

Backpack of sacred vessels

El regalo más apreciado por un sacerdote recién ordenado es el Estuche de Vasos Sagrados CARF: una mochila portátil que contiene todos los elementos necesarios para impartir los sacramentos y celebrar la Santa Misa en lugares carentes de medios.

Sacred Vessels are those in which the Body and Blood of the Lord is placed. Because they are sacred, they are used only for that purpose and must be blessed by the bishop or a priest. The Sacred Vessels must have the dignity due for sacred worship, be decent and of noble metal or, in the judgment of the episcopal conference, of other solid materials considered noble in each place. In addition to the purification that corresponds to some sacred vessels at the end of Mass, all are to be clean and well preserved.

What do we do at the Patronato de Acción Social?

As a complementary purpose, CARF, through its Social Action Board, helps seminarians and priests around the world to fully dedicate themselves to their pastoral work, solving problems related to the construction, installation and maintenance of churches and parish facilities, medical dispensaries, provision of ornaments and liturgical objects, school supplies, libraries, care and accompaniment of sick elderly priests, and their own health care, etc.

Serving the Church and priests 

El Patronato de Acción Social de CARF tiene como objetivo complementar la actividad fundamental de la Fundación, sirviendo a la Iglesia y los sacerdotes. Contribuye con:

  • Material support for various tasks in parishes in needy countries, enabling priests to dedicate their time fully to their pastoral mission.
  • Provision of ornaments and liturgical objects to churches with scarce resources.
  • Provision of books of doctrinal content for libraries.
  • Medical and health assistance for priests or seminarians displaced from their countries of origin, and care and assistance for elderly priests who lack companionship.
  • Contribution to the installation and maintenance of temples, outbuildings or parish medical dispensaries in distressed areas.
  • Supporting worship in parishes in countries with difficulties.
  • Development Cooperation

Case of sacred vessels

One of the activities of the Patronato's collaborators is to collect donations to give priests finishing their studies in Rome and Pamplona a briefcase with sacred vessels and vestments. "The amount of each briefcase is 400€. This year we have a novelty: instead of handing out briefcases, the sacred vessels will be inside the briefcase.
of a backpack. It will be more comfortable for the seminarians and easier to carry. The seminarians thought it was a very good idea," say those in charge of the Board of Trustees.


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