CARF Foundation

10 June, 24

CARF Foundation and Altomonte Priestly College: a vital link for formation

Discover how the CARF Foundation collaborates with the Altomonte Priestly College in Rome for the integral formation of priests and the strengthening of the Catholic Church.

The CARF Foundation and the Altomonte Priestly College in Rome have established an essential collaboration for the formation of priests. In order for priests to receive a high quality university education (degrees and doctorates) at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (PUSC), it was necessary to have specific accommodations where they could also foster their human and spiritual formation.

The union between the CARF Foundation and Altomonte also strengthens the pastoral mission of the Catholic Church throughout the world by caring for priests from all over the world.

What is the CARF Foundation?

Since its founding in 1989, the CARF Foundation has been dedicated to supporting the formation of seminarians and priests diocesans and religious from all over the world, providing educational and spiritual resources in renowned institutions in Rome and Pamplona.

Founded with the objective of promoting priestly vocations and prepare the future of the Church, plays a crucial role in promoting the Catholic faith in 131 countries.

Since February 14, 1989, the CARF Foundation has supported the training of thousands of
seminarians and diocesan and religious priests. Promoted by Blessed Alvaro del Portillo with the support of St. John Paul II, it lives in the urgency of providing a comprehensive and quality education to seminarians and diocesan priests of the Catholic Church.

The work of the Foundation has always grown thanks to the generosity of donors committed to the mission of strengthening the Catholic faith.

What is Altomonte Priestly College?

The Priests' College Altomonte is a residence and training center for diocesan priests studying in Rome, founded in response to a wish of St. Josemaría Escrivá, and promoted by the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. 2011 and located near St. Peter's Basilica, seeks to offer an integral priestly formation in the human, spiritual, pastoral and intellectual dimensions.

To achieve this, it offers an environment conducive to spiritual and academic growth, providing future priests with the tools necessary to serve their communities with wisdom and compassion.

A special way to collaborate

The relationship between the CARF Foundation and Altomonte Priestly College is based on common goals: the integral formation of priests who are capable of facing contemporary pastoral challenges. The benefactors through the CARF Foundation support the students of Altomonte Priestly College by funding study aids, ensuring that no seminarian is prevented from completing his formation due to financial constraints.

This collaboration has resulted in the formation of numerous priests who now serve in various parts of the world, bringing with them the values and knowledge acquired in Rome. This joint effort not only benefits the priests, but also the communities they serve, contributing to the strengthening of the faith and the spiritual well-being of all Catholics.

A significant way in which the CARF Foundation and Altomonte Priestly College honor their benefactors is by celebrating a monthly Mass in their memory. This ceremony not only shows gratitude, but also strengthens the spiritual bond between the benefactors and the formative mission of both institutions.

Uno de los muchos beneficiarios de esta colaboración es Koffi Edem Amaglo, un seminarista que ha podido avanzar en su formación gracias al apoyo de la Fundación CARF. En sus propias palabras, Koffi expresa su profunda gratitud: «La formación que he recibido en Roma ha sido invaluable para mi misión pastoral. La Fundación CARF y el Colegio Sacerdotal de Altomonte han hecho posible que siga mi vocación con dedicación y esperanza».

Chapel of the Resurrection at the Altomonte Priestly College.

How You Can Help

Through the CARF Foundation, there are multiple ways to collaboratefrom financial donations to the promotion of fundraising activities. Every contribution helps to ensure that seminarians and priests can continue their formation without interruption, which is vital for the future of the Church.

The relationship between the CARF Foundation and Altomonte Priestly College is a remarkable example of how cooperation and mutual support can have a lasting impact on the formation of priests. And, through their work together, they ensure that the priests of today are well prepared to lead the Church of tomorrow.


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